Service Hours & Yard Supervision

Service to the school directly supports your child as well as the School and Parish community.
All families are required to participate in volunteer service for the school each year.

Two-parent families are expected to give thirty hours of service to Saint Isabella School in addition to four yard duty supervisions each year.
One-parent families are expected to give a total of fifteen hours of service in addition to four yard duty supervisions. (Please contact the office to verify single parent status.)

By the end of January and again by the beginning of May, families will be informed of their status regarding their service commitment, but it is the responsibility of each family to track their hours. We suggest you do not wait until the end of the school year to sign up or complete your service hours or yard duties, because there may not be availability. Hours credited for CYO coaching and serving on any Saint Isabella CYO Board will be capped at 15 hours per year. See Parent Booker to sign up for yard supervisions and to find volunteer services.

Saint Isabella School has a two-tier tuition plan for participating and non-participating families. Those families who do not complete any of their service hours/yard duty supervisions in the upcoming year will be placed on the Non-Participating Tuition schedule for the following year. Any service hours or yard duties that have not been completed by June 30 of the current school year will need to be paid promptly at the amount of $50 per hour. Service hours accumulated beyond the 30 hour requirement are greatly appreciated but do not roll over into the next year.