Second Grade

Welcome to Second Grade

Second graders are encouraged to celebrate their unique personalities while acquiring all the tools needed to become a successful learner in the classroom. They work on giving and following three and four step directions, speaking clearly, listening attentively and participating in class. Students also memorize and present poems in front of the class. It is a fun, faith filled year full of exciting events, including the sacrament of Reconciliation and the sacrament of First Holy Communion.

Student at desk

Second Grade Curriculum

English Language Arts (ELA)

Students focus on reading with expression and fluency, and learning grade level sight words. Reading comprehension and student recognition and use of spelling and syllabication rules to decode rules is practiced. Students work on using correct sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Writing legibly and forming letters and numbers correctly is heavily focused on in the 2nd grade.


The Common Core Math concepts for 2nd grade include identification and comparison of whole numbers up to 1,000, addition and subtraction of 3-digit numbers, working with fractions, identifying and describing the properties of two and three dimensional shapes, as well as problems involving coins, bills and telling the time.

Social Studies

Students learn map skills; describing the absolute and relative locations of people, places and environments. The structure of local, state and national government is introduced. By the end of 2nd grade, students will understand basic economic concepts and be able to demonstrate grade appropriate economic reasoning. Students learn to distinguish past events from current and are introduced to role models who have been major influences throughout history.


The K-6 science curriculum at Saint Isabella School is designed to promote an understanding of nature and an appreciation of its methods and mysteries. The program prepares each student for the future by providing opportunities to investigate, explore and evaluate the world we live in. Kindergarten through grade six study Earth Science, Physical Science and Life Science. These 3 subjects include the study of native California plants, the life cycle of a Monarch butterfly, and experiments with magnets and forces.


Students deepen their connection with the Catholic faith by studying and preparing for the sacrament of Reconciliation and the sacrament of First Holy Communion.

Kelly Horan
Mrs. Kelly Horan
Second Grade Teacher

Mrs. Horan has been teaching for over 18 years. Mrs. Horan received a Bachelor of Fine Arts with an emphasis in Education from Dominican University in 2004 and a Multi-Subject CLAD Certificate from Dominican University in 2005. Mrs. Horan is responsible for preparing the 2nd graders for their First Reconciliation and First Communion.