Grades 7-8 Science

Ladybug science project

Welcome to Grades 7-8 Science

Seventh & Eighth Grade Science - Students focus on an exacting and challenging study of Biology and Physical Science. Classes are based on a framework of inquiry-based learning within a highly integrated curriculum. For example, when students are learning about classical Newtonian mechanics in science, they use techniques used to solve systems of linear equations learned in algebra and throughout the year there is a constant effort to find the connections to real life applications for our studies. Students are also encouraged to develop and strengthen their personal discipline, organizational skills, good study habits and most importantly the desire to learn. It is here, in middle school, that all the essential tools of success are introduced for a smoother transition to high school.

Science Teacher

Scott Durrwachter is excited to join the Saint Isabella School faculty in 2023. He began teaching in outdoor education and moved on to teaching middle school at Saint Hilary School in Tiburon. From there he moved to Boston, Massachusetts for 2 years where he taught STEAM and science at Saint Peter School in Cambridge. Mr. Durrwachter received his undergraduate degree from State University of New York at Oswego and is currently working on his Master's Degree through Northeastern University. His favorite thing about teaching science is helping to foster excitement and curiosity for life and the natural world around us!